
Safe and non-invasive removal of imperfections - when is it worth it?

The way to solve various skin problems can be to use the achievements of modern technology. High efficiency in this field is ensured by universal laser devices, which work on the basis of multifunctional platforms. Treatments performed with these tools can bring very good results in removing imperfections, while their impact on the skin remains non-invasive.

When is it recommended to remove the imperfections?

Skin imperfections should be addressed when aesthetic defects exceed the acceptable range and become a serious health problem. However, such changes primarily cause psychological discomfort. In order to get rid of complexes and feel better in your own body, you can use treatments with a dedicated laser platform. Modern technologies of this type can be applied to patients of all ages. These treatments are successful for teenagers as well as for the elderly. They can be performed on practically all body parts and regardless of the skin phototype.

Modern laser therapy is based on the fractional beam separation method, which in the case of non-ablative technologies proves impossible. The light beam is divided into smaller ones, whose task is to penetrate deeper layers of the skin and to induce thermal micro-damage points.

The skin in small fragments is surrounded by a completely intact surface, which is a reservoir of healthy tissue. As a result it is possible to effectively rejuvenate the skin with a very fast recovery. The result is an improvement in colour, density and tension within a few days after the treatment. Skin firming can be objectively assessed after about 3-6 months. The procedure is performed in series. Their amount depends on individual predispositions of the body, as well as the type of imperfection.

What imperfections can be treated non-invasively?

Skin rejuvenation using modern technologies is recommended for various imperfections. Laser is an ideal way to remove scars. This method works well for the non-invasive correction of structural irregularities, excessive roughness or decrease in fibre elasticity. The laser treatment allows for effective striae removal, which is achieved by activating regeneration processes. They intensify the production of hyaluronic acid as well as collagen and elastin fibres. The result is not only a noticeable reduction in the lack of tension, but also effective removal of surface wrinkles. The laser therapy procedure takes a maximum of half an hour and is practically painless. Only slight discomfort can be felt in the form of a gentle baking, softened by using a suitable cooling head. In order to achieve the best possible end result, there are usually several treatments at intervals of about 2-4 weeks.

When is it better not to do skin treatments?

It is worth remembering that in some cases, it is necessary to refrain from removing imperfections using the laser method. Despite the lack of invasiveness, the use of this technique is associated with certain contraindications. Pregnant and lactating women in particular should avoid it. Skin procedures cannot be performed with a fresh tan or during the period of taking oral retinoids. Contraindications to the therapy are the use of photosensitizing drugs and herbs, such as some antibiotics or St. John's wort. The removal of the imperfections should be postponed if there is an epidermal viral or bacterial infection. The treatment cannot be carried out in case of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or lichen planus. Contraindications also include diabetes and cancer, as well as a tendency to develop overgrown scars. Comprehensive offer in this area https://anlaya.pl/. This renowned aesthetic medicine clinic also provides other professional treatments such as laser hair removal and baldness treatment.

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