Healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and physical activity. These are three simple steps to achieve the desired figure. Hard work, even the most conscientious, punitive and reliable, sometimes needs the help of specialists. The rush for "being fit" is so great that beauty salons stretch out a hand that can undoubtedly help us to develop the perfect look of our body. With carefully selected devices, using modern technology, this effect can be faster and more spectacular. Some of these devices are available at the warehouse.
Infrared heat treatments
These types of treatments use mechanisms we know very well from saunas. Thanks to the emission of infrared heat, which allows us to remove toxic substances from the body, we also get rid of additional unnecessary centimeters, while modeling our silhouette. To achieve this effect, we need a medically tested blanket, which has specially adapted heating zones. Thanks to the heating process, the infrared rays are absorbed into the body parts concerned - producing heat in the surface layers of the skin. The rays are so deep that they can even reach the muscle layers. Increased circulation of body fluids allows the body to purify toxins. The method using heat techniques is extremely popular and is often used in treatments offered by aesthetic medicine institutions.
Microdermabrasion and vacuum massage treatments
Often used and performed by the same specialist equipment. In the case of microdermabrasion, various heads are used, which exfoliate the epidermis, smooth the skin, minimizing stretch marks. The vacuum massage also breaks down fat cells, stimulating blood flow, giving the effect of immediate tension. Such a comprehensive action gives results already after the first use of the laser, and the full effect can be observed after a cycle of purchased treatments. Also used for firming treatments on the abdomen, thighs or buttocks and for the necessary control of water cellulite.
Compression therapy treatments
Compression therapy is a kind of specialized massage, which is performed by means of stimulation. The pressure affects both the skin and subcutaneous tissues - eliminating toxins, metabolic products and excess water. It is perfect for swelling, limb pain or persistent cellulite. The greatest effect will be felt after a cycle of treatments, with 1-2 day intervals.
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