
Where to buy wedding rings in Cracow?

Preparing for a wedding is the most exciting period in every couple's life. Before you stand on the wedding carpet, it is worth thinking about everything to the smallest detail: the outfit of the bride, the bouquet, makeup. However, the most important and the main role in this day and throughout your married life play wedding rings

When to buy wedding rings?

Wedding rings are not just a decoration, it is an ancient symbol of love and fidelity, which like no other reflects the fullness and strength of feelings. The tradition of exchanging wedding rings during the wedding ceremony has no formal meaning, it is enough to sign at the registry office and thus conclude the marriage. However, there is no couple who would give up this ceremony, because it is one of the most touching moments during the wedding, and the choice of rings should be taken very seriously and takes a lot of time.

It is believed that wedding rings appeared in ancient Egypt and were worn on the left hand on the heart finger. In ancient Rome, they were given special significance. Men presented their wives with a ring, stylized with a key, which signified the woman's acceptance into the home and family affairs. As for Christianity, it wasn't until the 9th century that the Pope allowed the use of wedding rings during the wedding ceremony. Since then, they have served as a marker of loyalty and love. Throughout history, wedding rings have been attributed with many signs and even magical properties. In ancient times, rings were believed to be able to protect family life.

It is a long-established tradition that the bride and groom are responsible for choosing and purchasing the rings, and that after the wedding they should be worn without being taken off. If you lose or break the ring, it is considered a very bad sign and a harbinger of the destruction of the marriage. It is also not allowed to drop the ring before the wedding ceremony is over. It is allowed to use your parents' rings, but only if their family life was happy. There should be no other rings on the hands during the wedding. Before going to a jewelry store, it is a good idea to decide right away what metal your rings will be made of, whether they will be custom rings, and whether you will put an engraved motto on them.

wedding rings

Jeweller in Krakow - look for craftsmen

When you are looking for wedding rings in Krakow, it is advisable to go looking for artisan jewelers. Not many people know that the price of jewelry that is sold in chain stores is made up of many factors. Be prepared to overpay for its delivery to the store and other intermediary services. This is one of the main advantages of making jewelry to order - from an artisan. When ordering jewelry, you have to pay only for the materials used and the master's work. Another important advantage of ordering products is the possibility of direct contact with the jeweler. You can be sure that you will receive a comprehensive answer on how best to take care of your jewelry. You will learn how it should be cleaned, polished or carry out other procedures. No jewelry store will give you such comprehensive and reliable information about jewelry. When you buy custom jewelry, you have the opportunity to create a ring that fully meets your requirements. In other words, you can choose the desired thickness and size of the product, the color and the combination of different materials. It is also important that when ordering jewelry, you can adjust the final cost yourself.Engraving on wedding rings

Engraving can be done by hand or with a pneumatic stylus. The first method is used for shallow inscriptions both inside and outside the rings. The advantages include the ability to apply text to rings of any configuration when the shape of the rings does not allow for automatic engraving methods. Among the disadvantages the first place is taken by the shallow depth of the inscription, which is especially inadvisable when the engraving is applied outside the rings. Let's not forget that precious metals are very soft, so shallow symbols on the outside of rings will wear off very quickly. You can't choose the font either, the beauty of the inscription depends entirely on the calligraphy skills of the artist. The inscription is limited by the width of the rings, as it is extremely difficult to write something legible on a ring that is 2mm wide. For the same reason, the length of the inscriptions have narrow edges. Alternatively, engraving can be done with a laser or diamond. Diamond engraving allows for more possibilities. The letters can be slightly larger compared to hand engraving. On a special machine, drawings are also made on the outside of the wedding rings. A special diamond tool creates clear lines according to the set pattern.



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