EU funds are material resources which can be obtained by choosing this form of financing after fulfilling all conditions related to it (more on However, such funds are not granted before the investment, but only after it has taken place. For a grant application to be successful, it is necessary to use the services of a financial advisor or other specialists in the field of EU grants. However, such services are quite expensive, although they bring many benefits.
The investment must therefore be made with own funds. Only then does the EU allocate the amount of the grant. This process is unfortunately very often long and quite complicated. However, such grants are very useful. For many entrepreneurs, they are essential for their business. Currently, subsidies are also available for those who are just starting up their business.
European funds for farmers
There are, moreover, many areas in which you can take advantage of the opportunity offered by EU grants. One such area is agriculture. In Poland, unfortunately, it requires significant modernisation.
European funds - types
Another area where effective economic development is difficult to achieve is infrastructure. This includes improving transport conditions in all EU countries through the construction of new roads and motorways, the construction of which is also co-financed by EU funds. It is from them that the construction of ecological wastewater treatment plants is refunded, whose task is to protect the natural environment.
The Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) is also worthy of note, i.e. the fund from which resources are allocated to subsidies for the development of fisheries in a given country.
European funds - knowledge, education, development
Thanks to the membership of the European Union, you can benefit from a number of funds that have been created to help the member states of the community. Their task is to level the economic level with other European Union countries. Grants are awarded in various economic fields. Subsidies for the development of regional tourism are becoming increasingly popular. In addition, a lot of subsidies have been granted to farmers for years.
In addition, various types of funds are of great importance to help develop the economy and infrastructure. These include, inter alia, the Cohesion Fund, from which money is transferred to different Member States of the European Union. However, in order to obtain such funds, the relevant conditions must be met beforehand. First of all, it is having a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the country at a level lower than 90% of the EU average gross domestic product per EU member.
The money from EU funds is intended to help Member States that are less developed and do not have the opportunity to improve their economies without help from the European Union (EU).