
What are Grandma and Grandpa doing on Facebook? See what content seniors like

Internet users over 65 years old spend more and more time in social media. They not only seek contact with their loved ones, but also consume content related to their interests.

The development of technology and change of habits have made representatives of all generations use social media. Older people are a growing proportion of Internet users - thanks to them they keep in touch with their loved ones and gain knowledge on topics of interest to them.

- Contrary to the popular opinion that social media are channels for young people only, it is worth knowing that 4% of all Facebook users are 65+. We must remember that we have been using the Polish language version of Facebook for almost 10 years. What's more, access to computers and the Internet is becoming increasingly common in every age group," says Francis Georgiev, founder of the Social Tigers agency.

Looking at the statistics of Facebook audience groups, we will notice that at least more users over 65 years old are women (51%). It should not come as a surprise that the most active seniors in social media are residents of Warsaw, Poznan and Wroclaw. The fourth town in turn differs according to gender - more active online are the ladies from Łódź and the gentlemen from Kraków. Seniors are coming, also on Facebook.

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Senior gives a layman

Men over 65 years old on Facebook follow mainly political content. Their favorite sites are the profiles of information portals. Some seniors are also interested in sport and watch the fan page of Justyna Kowalczyk and other sports stars. Music profiles dedicated to The Beatles and Czeslaw Niemen are also popular.

Seniors also show interest in current political events, but much less. The most popular thematic category among women 65+ is the guide category. The ladies are looking for clues that will help them perform their daily duties faster. They also like the pages of information services with curiosities and entertainment content, related to health care and fashion. It should also come as no surprise to anyone that they are keen to watch the health, horticulture and fashion sides.

Interestingly, seniors are more likely to use the mobile version of Facebook than seniors. 63% of women use this social networking site on their computers and 31% use an Android smartphone. Whereas the computer prefers 70% of men, and the smartphone with Android 23%.



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